Color Therapy
Explore Color Therapy
It has been known for centuries that color plays a major role in setting up a particular emotion or state of mind. Each color in the spectrum - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet has its own energy caused by varying wavelengths of electro-magnetic energy as seen through the eyes. As one of the languages of the soul, colors have a profound influence on emotions, mood and feelings because they deeply resonate with the vibration of each of the seven main chakras/energy centres of the body. When the chakras are open, energy can flow freely and harmony exists between the physical body, mind and spirit and optimal health and vitality are achieved.
Color Therapy dates back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, Greece, India and China where great buildings dedicated to color healing were constructed for patients to bathe in light filtered through various colored glass panels or windows. These treatment sanctuaries were painted in specific colors and healers employed colored crystals, stones, dyed garments, ointments and salves in addition to prescribing sunlight to treat a variety of ailments.
Color healing, also referred to as Light Therapy or Chromotherapy is a non-invasive and holistic treatment that can be implemented in a number of ways to rebalance, align and stimulate the corresponding chakra to restore balance and flow to the mind, body and soul. The goal is to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. While Color is experienced through the eyes, it is also important to note that light enters through the skin as well. Each color has its own unique frequency and vibration that cause chemical reactions in the body. Colors create electrical impulses in the brain that stimulate biochemical and hormonal processes to stimulate or calm the physical body and mind. Red, Orange and Yellow are warming and energizing while Blue, Indigo and Violet are cool and calming. Green is used for balance.
Energy healers (Reiki, Pranic, Crystal, Quantum) may supplement their technique by laying their hands or using colored fabrics placed on the patient, directing specific color rays into the aura and body. The colors act a balancing system - where practitioners direct color where there is a shortage and administer the opposite when the patient has too much energy.
Colour Therapy can be beneficial since it addresses mental, physical and spiritual health. Chromotherapists and other healers use this therapy to balance energy that may be lacking or where there is an overabundance in the body. Color is both light and energy that enters through the eyes as well as the skin and is experienced physically through all of the senses. The longer the wavelength, the deeper it can penetrate (red is the longest, violet the shortest). Experienced practitioners utilize these colors to achieve optimal health for their patients. In addition, color treatment is experiencing a resurgence as more people recogonize the benefits and are utilizing color in their homes and offices to produce specific vibrations. Colors are associated with calm, joy, prosperity, peace, wealth and longevity and can be employed through wall color, furniture, rugs and accessories to create a vibrational ambience. In addition, one can wear clothes or jewelry associated with specific colors to get in a desired mood.
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