Power of Sharing


Sharing is an act that allows us to literally behave like the Creator, whose very essence is to share. By sharing, we increase our capacity to draw down the Light.

Kabbalistically, sharing exists in many forms and on many levels. Sometimes sharing is easy and requires little commitment or effort. At other times, it can be very uncomfortable to share. Sharing that is difficult can actually remove negativity which has kept us disconnected from a certain aspect of fulfillment; In the Zohar it says charity will save from death.

This can mean literal death or death of a business or a relationship or any form of end. The act of giving charity unblocks a part of us and creates continuity. True sharing creates flow for both the giver and receiver. In order to nurture sharing behaviour in ourselves, it's important to recognize that on the spiritual level sharing with others does not involve depriving ourselves.

Just as a candle can ignite many other candles, sharing brings Light to others at the same time as it strengthens the Light in our own lives. In this sense sharing is like love: the more we love, the more love the universe sends us.

Rav Berg




Just Remember the Story