June 2021 Spiritual Calendar

June 3 Roman Catholic      Feast of Corpus Christi

Also called Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Festival is a celebration to recognize the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and proclaims the transubstantiation of bread and wine to the actual body of Christ during Mass. Many consider it to be the "Thanksgiving for Holy Communion".

June 8 - 14    Aromatherapy                Aromatherapy Awareness Week

Conferences and events held to educate others about the benefits of aromatherapy and the use of essential oils and plant extracts to treat a variety of different conditions and facilitate healing by balancing and bringing harmony to mind, body and soul. Check local listings to find events near you.


June 10      Astrology      New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini                  

The New Moons signals new beginnings, Eclipses bring about unexpected opportunities. Take advantage of this special time to to slow down, reflect and set deep intentions with the new moon knowing that the high energy of the solar eclipse will act as a catalyst manifesting your desires quickly with astonishing results. It is important that you use both energies to serve your highest self (and others) with love, compassion and integrity.


June 10 Coptic Christian      Ascension Day    

Commemorates the Christian belief of the bodily Ascension of Jesus into heaven; his departure from earth after his resurrection. It is perhaps the earliest observed celebration in Christianity.


June 10 - 11 Judaism and Kabbalah Rosh Chodesh Tamuz

Head of the Hebrew month - marked by the birth of the new moon


June 11 Roman Catholic Feast of the Sacred Heart

The devotion to the Sacred Heart is one of the most widely practiced and well known Catholic devotions that celebrates the compassion, suffering and dedication of Christ to humanity.


June 13 Baha’i Race Unity Day

Established to promote racial harmony and understanding and the essential unity of humanity


June 16 Sikh Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Sahib

Observed by Sikhs as the anniversary of the death of the the 5th Guru who gave up his life for their people. He compiled all the texts written by former gurus into the Guru Granth Sahib, laid the foundation of the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India, and mandated Sikhs to donate 10 percent of their earnings to charity.


June 20 Wicca Litha

Festival begins on the summer solstice at sundown (longest day of the year) and celebrates the Goddess manifesting as Mother Earth and the God as Sun King.


June 20 All Father’s Day

Take this day to honor the men in your life who birthed, loved, mentored, provided, protected, played and sacrificed for you


June 24 Astrology Full Strawberry Super Moon in Capricorn

Also known as the River Moon, Lovers Moon, Honey Moon or Flowering Moon - This is the 3rd Super Moon in a row and is tied to romance and marital bliss around the world


June 27 Judaism and Kabbalah Fast of Tamuz

The 17th of Tamuz (on the Hebrew Lunar Calendar)  - A Jewish fast day commemorating the breaking of the tablets by Moses and the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the First and Second Temples. It marks the beginning of the three-week mourning period leading up to Tisha B'Av


June 29 Christianity Feasts of Saints Peter and Paul

This celebration is a liturgical feast in honor of the martyrdom of these patron Saints of Rome. St. Peter was one of the 12 Apostles as well as first pope and founder of Roman Church. St. Paul, also an Apostle is responsible for much of the New Testament







July 2021 Spiritual Calendar


Gemini Season is here! Hooray Hooray (twice for the twins)